There is currently not enough playground equipment and games for all students to use. Over time, equipment has been lost and worn out, leaving us with fewer balls, jump ropes and games to use during recess. The Dodge Secret Kindness Agents want to help our school get new equipment for everyone to use! If each grade-level has their own age-appropriate games and equipment to use, it will help build responsibility and pride in our own materials.
The mission of the Dodge Secret Kindness Agents it to leave our school a better place by performing acts of kindness that impact the Doge community (students, teachers, and parents) in some way. We do these acts of kindness with the only reward is that we are pushing ourselves to be better people and part of our community! We hope to inspire others to show kindness to those around them, and to make our little corner of the world a better place!
Please consider donating to our fundraiser!