Oak Hill Elementary School

The Austin Independent School District is the heart of public education in Austin, Texas—a city of ideas and innovation that tops the nation's rankings of the best communities in which to work and live.
  • District Approved
    Created by Oak Hill Elementary School

    Austin ISD Gives - Oak Hill El...

    Give Today to Support Oak Hill Elementary School Become part of a new tradition of giving by suppor...
  • District Approved
    Created by Oak Hill Elementary School

    Austin ISD Gives - Oak Hill El...

    Give Today to Support Oak Hill Elementary School Become part of a new tradition of giving by supp...
  • District Approved
    Created by Oak Hill Elementary Fifth Grade

    Send OHE Eagles to Camp Champi...

    Camp Champions is an overnight adventure that provides students with a packed schedule of different activities...
  • District Approved
    Created by Oak Hill Elementary School

    Oak Hill School Fundraiser

    This campaign will help to bridge a gap in the operating budget for the 2019-20 school year due to increased A...
  • District Approved
    Created by PTA Oak Hill Elementary School

    Mission Math

    Help fund Oak Hill's Mission Math program to help our students learn and practice math in an engaging way....