Send OHE Eagles to Camp Champions

Camp Champions is an overnight adventure that provides students with a packed schedule of different activities that encourage team building and personal growth. We want to ensure that all students are able to participate in this wonderful learning opportunity and with this campaign we know that will happen.

$2,280.00 donated
$8,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 15, 2019 Campaign ended on November 15, 2019

Our school  is a diverse campus where 43% of our students are econimically disadvantaged so many of our students' families struggle with making ends meet. This year our fifth graders are going to "The Outdoor School at Camp Champions".  It is an overnight camp where they will be able to take new risks, build lasting relationships and challenge themselves to step out of their comfort zone.

This trip to Camp Champions will be an experience like some have never had.  They will be able to conquer fears, build new relationships, and create a stronger community.  Some of the activities they will be participating in are: a ropes course, gaga ball, kayaking, yoga, team building activities, climbing a rock tower and so much more!  Students will be having fun but also learning skills that are needed for everyday life.  Every part of Camp Champions is applicable to life after the trip. This experience could change the  lives of our students by creating a strong community built on the 4 R’s of Camp Champions: Respect, Reasonable Risks, Responsibility, and Reaching Out to Others. While the trip will only be a couple of days, we hope that we take what we have learned and use these practices for the rest of our lives.

We would like to make this trip affordable for all of our students. If you are able to donate to our school for this Camp Champions experience, we would be extremely appreciative!

Please feel free to pass this on to others (including companies) who may be able to make a donation toward this campaign.

Thank you for your generous support,

Oak Hill Elementary, Fifth Grade Students & Teachers

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