AISD ¡EXCELENCIA! Latino Academic Achievement Awards

Join Austin ISD students and staff in honoring EXCELENCIA in our schools! Your support will provide student medals and plaques, and help cover event expenses.

$345.00 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 05, 2017 Campaign ended on May 05, 2017

Recognize ¡EXCELENCIA! in Our Latino Students

The Austin Independent School District’s core belief is that all students will graduate college-, career- and life-ready. Approximately 60% of Austin ISD students are Latino/Hispanic. The Austin ISD Latino Academic Achievement Awards recognizes ¡EXCELENCIA! in our students and community.

Latino Students will be recognized in categories including Leadership, Outstanding Progress in ESL and Dual Language, Fine Arts, Athletics, Highest Grade Point Average, and achievement in Advanced Placement Courses.

Community leaders and organizations will be recognized for community service, advocacy and parent involvement.

Join Austin ISD students and staff in honoring EXCELENCIA in our schools! Your support will go a long way to provide student medals, plaques and logistics of the celebration.


To ensure proper recognition for your sponsorship in the program materials, funds must be received no later than April 3, 2017.


If you prefer to donate by check, please make it out to Austin ISD, include "Latino Academic Achievement Awards" in the memo line and mail it to Patricia Dabbert at the address below:


ATTN: Patricia Dabbert
Department of English Language Learners
Austin Independent School District
1111 West Sixth Street, Building A, Suite A450
Austin, Texas 78703


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Cindy Anderson
2796 days ago
Teresa Aita

Go out into the world and light it up with your excellence!!

2797 days ago
Christina Sabisch
2797 days ago
2797 days ago
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