Akins Criminal Justice Competition

Your donation will help send our Class of 2020 Akins Correctional Services Interns compete in Criminal Justice Competitions.  Our students work hard to practice and develop their hands on skills.  Our Class of 2019 student won 1st place in the competition for Cell Extraction. Please help them head back this year to defend the title.  Feel free to check out our webpage at...


$270.00 donated
$1,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 01, 2020 Campaign ended on January 01, 2020

Please help support our Akins Correctional Services Internship by helping our students compete.  Competition is important because it allows our students to show their hands on skills to industry professionals and allow them an opportunity for constructive feedback about their skills.  Our students work hard and practice with their skills and this gives them an opportunity to showcase those skills they work so hard to master. 

Your donation will first go toward our $35 per student registration per competition amount needed.  Next we will be using additional funds for equipment specifically for the competition.  

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Barbara n Jimmy Diaz

Our grandson is in your group ... we are very proud of him and really like what you offer the students.

1886 days ago
Beverly Fernandes
1892 days ago
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