Support Austin Ed Fund
Your donation supports projects that promote classroom excellence in Austin ISD including campus innovation grants, student opportunity fund grants and Austin ISD’s nationally recognized social and emotional learning initiative.
Austin ISD serves nearly 82,000 students in 130 schools, preparing them for success in college, career and life.
Every Donation Makes a Difference
You can help! Your support of Austin Ed Fund strengthens our community and our future by funding innovative education programs in Austin ISD schools.
Thanks to generous donors, gifts made to the 2017 Year-End Campaign will be matched, dollar for dollar, until December 31st.
Your tax-deductible donation stays locally to support Austin ISD classrooms and campuses, and we focus directly on initiatives that produce measurable results.
About Austin Ed Fund
Austin Ed Fund is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit education foundation that supports Austin ISD public schools. We are led by an independent board of directors comprised of business, community and education leaders.
Gifts to the Austin Ed Fund 2017 Year-End Campaign are unrestricted, allowing the organization to use the funds to meet its most pressing needs. Donors who wish for their gift to be used only for a specified purpose, such as support for a particular academic program or school, may make a restricted gift. Please make a note in the comments sections regarding the intent of your donation.
Want to give an amount not shown as an option? Click Give at the top of the page to enter in a custom donation amount.
To donate by check, please make your gift out to the Austin Ed Fund and mail to: Austin Ed Fund, AISD Office of Innovation & Development, 1111 West Sixth Street, D300, Austin, Texas 78703.
It only makes sense to give back to those who give selflessly everyday to support our teachers and students.