Austin ISD District-Wide Summer Musical Series

Support Austin ISD's  District-Wide Summer Musical featuring more than 150 students from 25 AISD schools participate in the cast, serve on the technical crew and perform as musicians. This summer students will be performing Aladdin and In the Heights.

$35.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on July 31, 2019 Campaign ended on July 31, 2019
The AISD Summer Theatre Series is open to current AISD students in middle and high school.  The series is a free educational opportunity with over 150 students from 25 AISD schools participating in the cast, on the technical crew, as interns, and as musicians.  Student leaders shadow adults to gain valuable leadership experience, working with 12 teachers from 8 schools who lead our production team.

For its fourth year of joining theatre kids from across Austin, the AISD Summer Theatre Series presents three public performances: two musicals, and a student-written/student-directed workIN THE HEIGHTS runs Thursday, July 18, through Sunday, July 21, on the AISD Performing Arts Center main stage; ALADDIN (DUAL LANGUAGE EDITION) runs Thursday, July 25, through Sunday, July 28, in the AISD PAC black box theatre.  TAKE 5: TRANSITIONING PERSPECTIVES ON (DIS)ABILITY, the student-directed production, in partnership with The Kennedy Center VSA Playwright Discovery Program and VSA Texas, will be performed on July 27th and July 28th.

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$7979.4 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (264)
Ruth Buskirk

Tillie and Emil in Aladdin!

1980 days ago
2002 days ago
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