Austin ISD Pride Y'all Week & Community Event 2023
$566.60 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on August 31, 2023 Campaign ended on August 31, 2023

To recognize and celebrate LGBTQIA2S+ students, staff, and families, Austin ISD hosts an annual district-wide Pride Y'all Week & Community Event. This is a time to highlight the district’s commitment to creating and maintaining a safe, supportive and inclusive environment for all. For many students, staff and families, these events bring feelings of joy and a sense of community. 

We can’t wait for this year’s Pride Y'all Week beginning on March 20! Throughout the week,  students will engage in Pride Week activities on their campus, including community craft-making, creative expression projects, anti-bullying lessons, and student-led school-wide “No Place for Hate” activities. The week is capped off by the Community Event for the everyone on Saturday, March 25 at Austin ISD’s Performing Arts Center, where families and supporters can connect with each other, find valuable resources, and build support systems.

Your support means a great deal to the thousands of students and staff who will participate in Austin ISD Pride Y'all this year. Your generosity will help build a sense of community by allowing the district to provide branded Austin ISD Pride Y'all swag and t-shirts to all campuses, as well as host the celebration! Please consider supporting Austin ISD’s LGBTQIA2S+ community by making a donation or becoming a sponsor. 

For any questions regarding Pride Y'all Week & Community Event activities, please contact Christina Burbank at For any questions regarding sponsorships, please contact Ryan O’Donnell at

We invite you to become a sponsor of the Austin ISD Pride Y'all Week & Community Event at any of the levels below.

Sponsor Levels Benefits

Table Sponsor

  • Booth space at the event
    ***Donations are encouraged to support event expenses, however, non-profit organizations may register for a FREE table by contacting

Community Sponsor

  • Booth space at the event

  • Recognition as Community Sponsor on event collateral

  • Recognition as Community Sponsor on collateral in swag bags

  • Recognition as Community Sponsor on social media platforms

Partner Sponsor

  • Preferred booth placement at the event

  • Featured recognition as Partner Sponsor with logo on event collateral

  • Featured recognition as Partner Sponsor with logo on collateral in swag bags

  • Featured recognition as Partner Sponsor with logo on social media platforms

Leader Sponsor

  • Prominent booth placement at the event

  • Prominent recognition as Leader Sponsor with logo on event collateral

  • Prominent recognition as Leader Sponsor with logo on collateral in swag bags

  • Prominent recognition as Leader Sponsor with logo on social media platforms

  • Live recognition at venue on day of event

Ambassador Sponsor

  • Prominent booth placement at the event

  • Prominent recognition as Ambassador Sponsor with logo on event collateral

  • Prominent recognition as Ambassador Sponsor with logo on collateral in swag bags

  • Prominent recognition as Ambassador Sponsor with logo on social media platforms

  • Live recognition at venue on day of event

  • Event room will be named in honor of Ambassador Sponsor

  • Opportunity to speak or be interviewed at the event

  • Only 1 sponsor from each industry will be featured as Ambassador Sponsor 

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No. of Campaigns (3)
Cicely Deaton
500 days ago
Todd Hogan-Sanchez

It's so cool what you're doing. Keep beaming with Pride!

Table Sponsor
640 days ago
Copper Trainor

Pride is an indispensable part of learning and observing these two fundamentals: Everyone is equal just as they are, and bullying is wrong. Thank you, AISD. 'Hate is a disease that occupies the minds of the few but brings danger to the many.' -LBJ

642 days ago
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