Welcome again to the Paredes Middle School AVID Program campaign to help raise money to send our 8th graders on a college visit to the University of Texas at San Antonio. We would like to send our outgoing 8th graders, some that have been with the program for 3 years now, out with a bang. We would like to use this money to help pay for charter buses for the 50 or so 8th graders. Our district buses have strict travel restrictions and if they are used outside of the district, they become very pricey for the product you're getting. A 55 Passenger Charter Bus costs $1575 for an 8 hour trip plus $3.50 per mile. The roundtrip mileage from Paredes MS to UTSA is 154 total miles x $3.50 = $539 for mileage.
These funds would also help make this year's AVID Hoodies, custom designed by our students, more affordable to every AVID student. They are currently $35-$40 each. The kids are 100% in charge of the design and are assisting in the ordering process this year.
We really appreciate anything and everything you can contribute. Thank you.