Books and Brackets 2023
$500.00 donated
$15,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 31, 2023 Campaign ended on March 31, 2023

It’s all for the love of reading! For the seventh year, Union County Public Schools will celebrate literacy through the Books and Brackets reading challenge. For five weeks, during March Madness, elementary schools find creative ways to inspire the love of reading for third-, fourth- and fifth-grade students.

As students participate in Books and Brackets, they are eligible to secure spots on the Sweet 16, Elite 8 and Final 4 teams. The winning school will be announced at a special pep rally on Friday, March 31 at Wingate University.

Books and Brackets is one of the most exciting events in UCPS. Students, teachers, parents, principals, staff and community members all partner to make this program a success.

We hope you will consider joining the celebration. The following sponsorship opportunities are available to support the reading challenge. All proceeds will benefit reading initiatives at the winning schools. For more information, contact

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$122384.12 raised across all campaigns
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Derek Skinner


693 days ago
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