Casteel Academic Pentathlon Team Nationals!!!

Help our Junior High Academic Pentathlon team go to the National Competition in Nashville, Tennessee in May!

$400.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 28, 2019 Campaign ended on April 28, 2019

The Casteel High School Academic Pentathlon Team just placed 1st in the State competition and are currently ranked 3rd in the Nation!  We have been invited to compete in the US Academic Pentathlon Nationals competition May 16 - 18 in Nashville, Tennessee.  Being our rookie year, no one is more surprised than we are at the teams amazing accomplishments.  Now we are scrambling to raise enough money to get these deserving students to the National competition.  $8,000 would enable our entire team to attend.  Please give what you can, and spread the word to everyone you know.  A huge THANK YOU from all the students, coaches, and our team mom!

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Benjamin Smith
2149 days ago
2157 days ago
Angela Perry

Congratulations Colts

2157 days ago
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