CATA E-Sports
$320.00 donated
$3,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on February 03, 2023 Campaign ended on February 03, 2023

Esports has proven to be an incredible way to teach students the value of perseverance, teamwork, and communication in a way that was previously only accessible to physical athletes. I have seen these benefits firsthand this Fall and they were more impactful than I imagined. After an extremely successful semester, with 3 teams making it to the playoffs, one to the elite 8 and one to the final 4 against 210 teams, some basic equipment and accessibility needs have become apparent. First, we must pay for a separate internet connection to play lag free. We have this now and it costs $65 a month. Also, not every student has a Nintendo Switch that can connect to the wired network or a Pro Controller. With 4 Nintendo Switches ($300 each) and 4 pro controllers ($70 each), any student who joins will be able to compete in the Nintendo titles. Finally, an Unlimited pass with PlayVs will cost us around $1000 plus tax for the Spring season. If this can be paid for by donations, more students will be able to afford to join e-sports.  

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No. of Campaigns (46)
Kelly Bryan

So proud of you and your team!!

802 days ago
Cameron East

Super exciting! I'm glad that CATA is doing this.

818 days ago
Michael Bovi

Champions in no time, go Cougars!

818 days ago
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