Celebrating Student Success

At East Union Middle School, we strive to maintain a culture that is positive and supportive.  As a team, we are committed to recognizing and rewarding our students' efforts, and to celebrating their birthdays and other milestones with a variety of items for students to choose from.  

$50.00 donated
$3,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 30, 2021 Campaign ended on April 30, 2021

East Union Middle School is a Positive Behavior Incentive Support (PBIS) school, meaning that we are committed to focusing on and celebrating the positive things our students do to recognize and support their personal growth. In utilizing the PBIS framework, we have established a social culture and behavioral supports needed to improve the social, emotional and academic outcomes for all students. We are committed to celebrating student birthdays, acknowledging academic successes, incentivizing positive behavioirs, and maintaining strong community partnerships. We are in need of financial help to continue the ongoing celebration and support of our students. Any contribution will be very much appreciated.

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Richard Croffut

Incredible School and awesome staff (especially the Principal)

1617 days ago
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