Debate Team Fundraiser
$347.64 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 31, 2023 Campaign ended on March 31, 2023

The McCallum Speech and Debate Team has had an incredible innaugural year, placing in the top 3 in multiple tournaments and qualifying for the upcoming UIL State Tournament at UT on March 17th. We are fundraising to cover the costs of future tournaments, to purchase up-to-date materials, and to help sponsor some of our best and brightest to attend game-changing summer camps. We have set a $2000 goal which will allow us to offer small-to-medium grants for camps, as well as cover tournament fees for the Fall and Winter of 2023. There are currently NO FUNDS available through the school to support the Debate Team, so debaters and coaches have come together to cover the costs accrued in 2022. We are asking for your help to endow McCallum with a much-needed program.


Thank you for your Support!

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I was on debate in high school and I am happy McCallum has a team!

635 days ago
Michelle Edwards
636 days ago

I was on the debate team in high school, and the experience has served me all my life. Hopefully the school will opt to support this important activity in the future.

648 days ago
Julia Hoke

I LOVED Debate when I was in high school, and I am so excited that Mac has a team now.

654 days ago
Whitney Hyde

Congrats, great life skills learned in debate!

654 days ago
654 days ago
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