Dragon Student/Teacher Merchandise

Our school is a rare and magical as our dragon mascot! We are a public, all-girls, middle school leadership academy! Our school is a rare and magical as our dragon mascot; we are a public, all-girls, middle school leadership academy. While many single-gender schools require applications and use lottery systems to determine who can enroll, our school is open and available to any young girl who wishes to attend. Of our roughly 330 students, 93% are classified as socioeconomically disadvantaged. Needs are great in our school community, and resources are often limited.


$0.00 donated
$12,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 01, 2021 Campaign ended on October 01, 2021

Our Dragons are wanting to show their School Spirit and Dragon Pride, but we need your help! We are asking for help to purchase shirts, hoodies, hats, etc. for our students and parents to help promote and show their Dragon Pride! 

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