Help the Austin High Latino Partnership attend the UT Latino Leadership Summit!

The Austin High Latino Partnership would like to send its members to the University of Texas Latino Leadership Summit in Febrary of 2017. By attending this conference, students are able to explore topics surrounding the Latino community, connect with high school and college students from around the nation, and learn how to create the change they would like to see!

Thank you for your consideration,

Austin High Latino Partnership

$175.00 donated
$910.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 25, 2017 Campaign ended on January 25, 2017

The Austin High Latino Partnership would like to send its members to the University of Texas Latino Leadership Summit in Febrary of 2017. By attending this conference, students are able to explore topics surrounding the Latino community, connect with high school and college students from around the nation, and learn how to create the change they would like to see! 

Thank you for your consideration,

Austin High Latino Partnership

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Desiree is extremely determined and works hard to reach her goals. Her smile and positive attitude light up the room.

One Member's Registration
2927 days ago
kerri curcoe
2928 days ago
Steve Maddox
One Member's Registration
2928 days ago
Mila McCutchen

These kids are doing wonderful things to help humanity. Please give!

2929 days ago
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