
Donate and give students at James Bowie High School the opportunity to enrich their lives through music!  The JBHS Piano Studio is raising funds to purchase electric pianos for piano classes, your help is greatly appreciated!

$325.00 donated
$20,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 16, 2016 Campaign ended on December 16, 2016


New instruments can be costly and in a time when just having a music program is hard on the school’s budget, obtaining new instruments is almost always out of the question. Our goal this year is to raise $20,000 in order to buy electric pianos for our students at James Bowie High School.


Please help give our music students the opportunity to open their world through music!


Music helps students achieve in the following ways:


  • Enhances fine motor skills

  • Fosters superior memory

  • Cultivates better thinking skills

  • Advances math skills


Thank you for your support!

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to help us reach our goal.

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Music is important and our children should be given every opportunity to thrive.

3005 days ago
Patricia Geisinger

The Geisinger Family is so happy to help our amazing Choir Program!! Here's hoping that many more students are able to utilize the piano learning opportunities!!

3015 days ago
Catherine Ballard

Love supporting my colleagues and fellow musicians. Congrats on the new lab!!!

3015 days ago
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