Kealing HornetLab 2020-21

The Kealing HornetLab is used by 350+ Kealing coding, robotics, and cybersecurity students each year.  Your support helps keep our online materials current and our computers and robots repaired, updated, and running smoothly!

$390.00 donated
$1,200.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 25, 2021 Campaign ended on May 25, 2021

The innovative Kealing HornetLab is used by 350+ Kealing coding, robotics, and cybersecurity students each year and is 100% supported by Kealing parents and local/community donors (no support from Austin ISD).  All of our computers are 6+ years old and are sourced from the University of Texas surplus warehouse without hard drives, memory, keyboards, or mice.  When we return to in-person learning, we'll need funding for hard drive replacements and other maintenance items.  In the virtual environment, we need funds to purchase online versions of our favorite coding books.  Please support the HornetLab today!  

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Raquel Buckley
Tushar Bhagawatula

I am a Kealing alumnus, and wish to give back to my school.

Xiao Wang
Nicole Lewis

Donation on behalf of Ziyu Huang.

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