¡Keep Perez Bilingüe!

Support the Perez Elementary Library with authentic Spanish books from the Guadalajara International Book Fair! With your help, we can take full advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase as many authentic Spanish books as possible with a special focus on graphic novels & high interest chapter books to ensure we have the best possible resources for our Perez students & families!

$0.00 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on April 30, 2019 Campaign ended on April 30, 2019

¡Hola! I am Randi Sather, Perez Elementary bilingual librarian. I have been invited to attend the Guadalajara International Book Fair and need your help to take full advantage of this opportunity. My goal is to purchase as many authentic Spanish books as possible with a special focus on graphic novels & high interest chapter books to ensure we have the best possible resources for our Dual Language students & families. 

I've noticed that often around 4th grade, students' interest in reading in their native Spanish declines dramatically so I hope to encourage students to continue reading in Spanish by making sure we have really fun, engaging books in both languages & at all reading levels. While I'm all for "Diario de Greg" (Diary of a Wimpy Kid in Spanish) and other translated titles that students are excited to read, attending the Guadalajara International Book Fair will be a special opportunity to get authentic Spanish books with culturally relevant content that will expand students' view of the world & give them a deeper appreciation for the Spanish language.

Thank you for your support. ¡Viva la lectura!

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