Leader in Me Mural Project

Help the Student Lighthouse Team create a mural in the Lower E hallway! 

$250.00 donated
$250.00 goal
Campaign ends on February 26, 2021 Campaign ended on February 26, 2021

The Student Lighthouse team has created a mural Idea that they would like to paint in the lower E hallway - on the blank wall where we once had lockers. The students came up with the design to embody the spirit of PRHS and the Leadership lessons learned through Leader in Me. A draft is represented in the image. The "We are PR" and the "Fight Like a Pirate" would alternate with leadership terms from the 7 habits. The Lighthouse team needs your help funding the paint and materials. Thank you for your consideration! 

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Beth Medlin

Proud of Silas and his artistic ability and leadership.

1396 days ago
1420 days ago
1421 days ago
Jennifer Myers

We can’t wait to see your amazing work, Silas! -The Myers Family

1421 days ago
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