Mariachi Violin Teacher

Our Mariachi students are excited to be back in the classroom and can't wait to start sharing their music with others through performance. We would like to hire a violin teacher from a non-profit arts organization to help our young string players master their music through weekly sectionals. 

$375.00 donated
$1,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 17, 2021 Campaign ended on October 17, 2021

The Bedichek Middle Mariachi program is partering with Austin Soundwaves, who's mission is to make music learning accessible and equitable for all Central Texans. They are providing a violin teacher to work with our mariachi section once per week for the entire school year. The cost of this service for the Bedichek Mariachi program will be $1000.

The partership with Austin Soundwaves will directly help our young violinists by providing technical and musical support after a school year where many of our young musicians were out of the classroom, trying to learn to play a very challenging instrument remotely. The goal is to establish confidence in their instrumental ability that will ultimately lead to beautiful music making that will be enjoyed by our entire community!

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