We are asking our school community here at Marvin Ridge High School for help! Updated, engaging, and accessible school libraries are essential to student achievement. According to North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) guidelines, an outstanding media center collection consists of at least 20 books per student with an average age of 10 years from the current date (no older than 2014). To meet the minimum guidelines, a collection would need at least 10 books per student with an average age of 16 years from the current date (no older than 2008). Our school's current library collection consists of 5.5 books per student with an average age of 2006 (18 years from the current date).
Our goal is to raise $5,000 to use to improve our library collection as we strive to meet the reccomendations from NCDPI. In addition to adding print books to our library, we plan to use the funds you donate to add ebooks and audiobooks to our collection through our own Overdrive (Sora) account. These digital materials will support all readers and will improve accessability of our library collection by providing more access to popular titles, as well as allowing for space on our shelves for engaging displays. Thank you so much for considering donating to our school library. Your donation will help us support the interests and instruction of our students now and in the future!
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Collection Guidelines. July 2016, drive.google.com/file/d/14XVwikHmeJgrQFvVvDZxQ3nkadeXd8A-/view. Accessed 31 Oct. 2024.
MRHS class of 2025 Ellison
This is where our learners can grow as readers, creators and leaders!