Media Center Makeover

Weddington Elementary School is excited to transform our Wildcat Media Center to a 21st Century, future focussed global learning environment. We are looking for donations to support new carpeting, flexible seating and new technology. 

$650.00 donated
$25,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on September 30, 2019 Campaign ended on September 30, 2019

Weddington Elementary School first opened its doors in1997.  Since then, instructional practices have evolved into student generated learning with a focus on EmpowerED.  Students are connecting, creating, and collaborating through project based learning and 21st Century technology. To generate excitement for our Wildcats, we are in need of donations to purchase new carpet, paint, flexible seating, and interactive technology.   

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Michelle Giammarino
1939 days ago
Laura Gattaz Baron
2032 days ago
Tiffany Powers

We love Mrs. B and all she does for WDES. Our library definitely needs to be updated for our school.

2047 days ago
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