MHS Prom 2022

Please help Maricopa High School Student Council provide an unforgettable 2022 Prom!

$37.00 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 01, 2022 Campaign ended on May 01, 2022

Covid-19 has dramatically impacted the past two school years. Prom 2020 was unexpectedly cancelled due to the venue closing its doors. Our club had paid over $7000 to reserve the venue, and our money wasn't refunded when the venue closed its doors. Due to COVID restrictions, we couldn't hold our normal events the following school year, and our fundraising abilities were impacted. We would love to be able to provide our student body with our first normal Prom since 2019. We want to make this school year unforgettable! We would greatly appreciate any support that the community can provide! Thank you so much.

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Eric Letada
916 days ago
Eric Letada
916 days ago
1123 days ago
Karla Hyde
1128 days ago
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