Museum of the Southwest/Planetarium Field Trip
$0.00 donated
$165.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 31, 2023 Campaign ended on December 31, 2023

Good day. I teach an amazing group of students in life skills grades 3rd-6th at a title one school. I would love to raise money to take our students to the Museum of the Southwest and the Planetarium. This is an educational trip. They are learning both about history and space through a guided tour in a museum, exibits, and planetarium. Not only is this educational because of the TEKS and curriculum standards but this also involves social/emotional learning. The admission to the museum/palnetarium is $10 a person. We will have around seven students going and three adults. Afterwards I would like to take our students to CC's pizza to eat which is social and emtional leanring. Plus our life skills students need to leanr matters and skills to eat out around people. The buffet is priced right under $10 a person. Afterwards we will take our students to Dennis the Menace Park to play and let out some energy as well as engage in physical activities. 

This field trip will take the day but the impact and education will last a lifetime. What a wonderful gift to give to any classroom. All donations and contributions are much appreciated. We are looking for sponsors to help sponsor us on our trip. We will give you a shout out on social media and post you on our bulletin board. Thank you from Burnet Elementary Life Skills:) 

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