MYON Literacy Program & Novel Supports

Purpose and Goal of Campaign: To increase the literacy for every student through technology integration so students can have accessibility at school and at home. Funds will also help support novels through our library's literacy program. The novels will focus on social-emotional learning and life lessons. 

$100.00 donated
$3,400.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 22, 2019 Campaign ended on November 22, 2019

We want to increase our students reading ability through the integration of Myon into our literacy block. Myon provides assistance with fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary. Plus students have access to it on any mobile device! We also want to purchase grade-level novels to help support our social-emotional learning. 

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Debbie Green

Very Proud of Zavala and my wonderful sister, Samantha Hill Kirk!

1860 days ago
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