Natural Bridge Caverns

As an end of year wrap up for science we are going to look at the magnificent underground caverns that tie in weathering, erosion, and deposition, and the water cycle.  We have worked hard all year long and this trip will allow the students to see all of the topics we have covered and what they look like up close and evolving.

$200.00 donated
$1,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 16, 2018 Campaign ended on May 16, 2018

We are raising funds to take a trip to Natural Bridge Caverns to observe how all of the concepts we have learned this year look in their natural settings.  Our trip's largest expense is the charter busses we need to take to our destination due to the distance and time of year, so this is the what the majority of the funds raised will be utilized for.  Any contrtibution you are able to make is greatly appreciated for our trip that will expand our student's educational experience.

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Kelly Wiles
2454 days ago
Elward and Bernie Reiss
2457 days ago
Dee and Robert Jackson

Have a blast!

2457 days ago
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