No Frills Fundraiser Template For PTAs
$1.00 donated
$25,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 16, 2022 Campaign ended on October 16, 2022

No one likes selling products their friends and family don’t need or necessarily want, and our friends and family don’t like the thought of only 40% of their donation making it back to the PTA they are trying to support. In an effort to keep more of our donations at home with ABC School’s PTA, we are running a “No Frills Fundraiser” this school year.


Your donation will support important projects for our children, including:

  • Providing school breakfast

  • Purchasing school supplies for the classroom

  • Building a new playground


Thank you for your support!


Please share this page via email, Facebook, and Twitter to spread the word to your family and friends so we can reach our goal!


ClassA $1.00
Created By
{{ userRole }}
$0 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (82)
Gary Hensley
879 days ago
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