Outdoor Adventures

I would love to send our Title I school students on an overnight science field trip at The Outdoor School. Our students will spend two days attending classes that are grounded in natural science and use Texas Essential Knowledge objectives as a guide to instruction.

$100.00 donated
$1,400.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 09, 2018 Campaign ended on March 09, 2018

This is an opportunity for our elementary fifth grade students to enjoy a unique experience in natural surroundings. The students will spend two days attending classes that are grounded in natural science and use Texas Essential Knowledge objectives as a guide to instruction. In addition they will take classes that include personal growth opportunities through group team-building, a high ropes course and an overnight camping stay few urban students have the opportunity to experience. The variety of outdoor educational experiences will give our students the chance to enjoy the outdoors with a focus on environmental stewardship and experiential learning.

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Yay! Go Class! Camping is awesome! Please all you grandparents (like me!), give generously!! Love you, Hayden!

Gold Level
2650 days ago
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