Welcome, all PHS cheerleading supporters, lovers, fans, and alumni! We really appreciate you taking the time to view our fundraising page. Our goal is to help all of our athletes truly learn and develop into well-rounded cheerleaders by providing them with opportunities to attend camps and clinics, along with providing them high-quality cheer music, cheer routines and cheer apparel. You play a HUGE part in helping support them in this journey and every dollar donated is much appreciated. Please share this fundraiser with family, friends, and on social media. GO PIRATES!
Campaign ends on February 04, 2023Campaign ended on February 04, 2023
Here is a list of the items/activities that your donations will help cover for the athletes:
Rather than buying cookie dough, we want you to have this whole donation to use as needed.
879 days ago
Amanda Gump
Cheer Bows
892 days ago
Deanne Madlock
Sorry I missed the car wash!
893 days ago
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