Grade: 11th grade
Teacher Name: Paul Stolar
Description and purpose of grant: Motion system we have is over 20 years old and falling apart. We only have 1 set and it makes it difficult to schedule with 9 physics teachers. Most juniors take physics, this will enhance the science education of about 1500 students. The physics classes impacted will be On-level physcs, honors physics, AP Physics 1, IB Physics and Physics APC.
Implementation process: Proposed system will double the number of classes that can use the equipment at the same time. The equipment will be used throughout the whole year for studying: motion, forces, energy, momentum, and rotation.
Items you plan to purchase with grant money
8 (1 class set) Standard Smart Cart/PastTrack System. $4880.00
8 SmartFan Assemblies. $712.00
3% DISCOUNT -$167.76
SHIPPING $133.00
In the event my grant is not fully funded, this is minimum amount I would need to get started on this project:
Half of the amounts above would get us started. This should be $2845.12
Good luck!