Ping Pong Club
$0.00 donated
$250.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 16, 2023 Campaign ended on November 16, 2023

Ping Pong Club is growing!  It has become a great place for students from a variety of social and interest groups to come together but none of this is possible without support! We only have four tables and one is severely damaged after 10+ years of play. We just need $250 to buy a new one so we can significantly increase the number of students who can play at club. To raise money, we are holding a Pong-A-Thon on 11/1/23 during which students will hit ping pong balls against a half-raised ping pong table for one minute. Donate A flat amount or an amount per hit! All proceeds go to the Conant Ping Pong Club.

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