Pink Project Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser for The Magnolia Tree Foundation
$350.00 donated
$500.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 25, 2024 Campaign ended on October 25, 2024

Students Helping Others Club (SHO) is once again raising money during October to support The Magnolia Tree Foundation. This local organization supports breast cancer awareness and provides funding for genetic testing of the BRCA mutation. The Magnolia Tree Foundation was established by the Rodheim family in honor of their daughter Alexa, who was a former student at HEHS. Alexa lost her battle with breast cancer at age 29. The Rodheim family also offers annual scholarships to HEHS students to support their education. 

To learn more about The Magnolia Tree Foundation, please visit their website directly at

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$350 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (1)
Mark Ahn
1 days ago
9 days ago
Jennifer Winfield
13 days ago
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