Project HELP is a program of Austin ISD that helps students who don't have permanent homes. It helps older students who are unaccompanied by their parents, as well as families of children who are living in hotels, shelters or with friends.
Project HELP provides direct service to more than 1,100 students each year - support like
- transportation to help a kid stay in their home school,
- gift cards to help defray food and clothing costs,
- connections to other local organizations that can help,
- ongoing support from caring staff who knows their situation,
- and more!
Our goal is to help students stay on track and in school. How can you help?
Your donation stays in Austin to help local families.
For more information on all the work of the Austin Ed Fund and the projects we've funded, please visit
If you would like to make a gift in honor of a teacher or in support of a specific school or project, please give us the details in the “Comments” section.
Your donation will be processed through the Austin Community Foundation.