Project HELP

Your gift to Project HELP supports more than 2,300 Austin ISD students each year who are experiencing homelessness. Your generosity provides:

  • transportation to help a kid stay in their home school,
  • gift cards to help defray food and clothing costs,
  • connections to other local organizations that can help,
  • ongoing support from caring staff who knows their situation,
  • and more!

Our goal is to help students stay on track and in school. How can you help?


$14,451.00 donated
$20,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 31, 2018 Campaign ended on December 31, 2018
You are incredible! We are overwhelmed by your generosity, and we were thrilled to reach our original goal within a week! 
But the need is far greater than we dared to set for our goals. In the hope that we can truly meet the needs of every family and student who is experiencing homelessness this holiday season -- let's see if we can double it.

100% of your gift to the Project HELP campaign will stay in Austin to support students and families.

For more information on all the work of the Austin Ed Fund and the projects we've funded, please visit


If you would like to make a gift in honor of a teacher or in support of a specific school or project, please give us the details in the “Comments” section.

Your donation will be processed through the Austin Community Foundation. 

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$7979.4 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (264)
2192 days ago
2192 days ago
Arthur Hays
2192 days ago
Cyral Miller
2192 days ago
Miles and Lilly Whitten

To help support this wonderful cause, and in honor of everything that Ann and Randy do!

2192 days ago
Ashley Gonzalez

Because every child deserves a safe environment in order to succeed

2193 days ago
Dusty Harshman

I am giving on behalf of the Maplewood ES, Servant Church and Mueller communities.

2194 days ago
Suzanne Hershey
2194 days ago
Claire Jain
2195 days ago
John Allison
2195 days ago
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