Reagan Blue Jesters New York Trip

The Reagan Blue Jesters are High School theatre students from Reagan Early College High School in Austin, TX.  We are raising money to send a small group of our highly involved theatre students to New York City this spring break, where they will attend two Broadway shows, two Broadway workshops with professional actors, a tour of NBC studios, trips to both the 911 museum and the Metropolitan Museum of art, and a tour of the city. We hope to reach our goal to make sure that 9 students can go to NYC. If we do not reach our goal, any money donated to this campaign will be used to for the purpose of helping send the Blue Jesters to New York.

$110.00 donated
$15,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 15, 2018 Campaign ended on January 15, 2018

The Reagan Blue Jesters are High School theatre students from Reagan Early College High School in Austin, TX. A majority of our students come from a low-income backgrounds, and many will be the first in their family to attend college. Only a small group of our highly involved theatre students have this special opportunity to travel to New York City this spring break, where they will attend two Broadway shows, two Broadway workshops with professional actors, a tour of NBC studios, trips to both the 911 museum and the Metropolitan Museum of art, and a tour of the city. This is an amazing oppurtunity for our students to experience professional theatre in a field that they are interested in pursuing in college and as a career. For most, this will be thier first trip outside of the state of Texas, fufilling thier intentions of being on Broadway! We hope to reach our goal to make sure that 9 students can go to NYC. If we do not reach our goal, any money donated to this campaign will be used to for the purpose of helping send the Blue Jesters to New York.

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Jennifer Wisnewski

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I hope enough money is raised.

2622 days ago
Julia Ross
2623 days ago
Julia Remington
All Star Sponsor
2624 days ago
2676 days ago
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