Robust Roadrunner Readers!

For the 2017-18 school year, Govalle is kicking off a HUGE schoolwide reading campaign for all of our students. We are in need of funds to provide high-interest library books,incentive field trips for readers who meet their reading goals,and funds to support the Books For Me program,which provides 2 new books for each Govalle student. 

$20.00 donated
$5,575.00 goal
Campaign ends on August 07, 2017 Campaign ended on August 07, 2017

Our students enjoy reading, but they need high quality books that engage them AND a system to keep them engaged and  accountable for keeping up with the daily habit of independent reading in a world focused on bite-sized pieces of information and text.  

Govalle will begin a 1,000 books campaign for our Prek and Kinder students.  Families will check out bags of books weekly from the library to read and reread. For every 100 books read, students and families will be recognized with a certificate, picture and prize. For reaching the goal of 1,000 books, prek and kinder students will attend an end-of-year field trip.

For our 1st-5th graders, Govalle will implement the Accelerated Reader (AR) Independent Reading program.  Each student sets a goal to read per 9 weeks.  After a student reads a book, they submit a short summary, then take a short quiz using the AR program. If the students pass the quiz, they receive points. When students meet their AR goals (points earned, books read)  for the 9 weeks, they will receive recognition, certificate, and will attend a field trip or special celebration for the 9 weeks. Readers who meet all of their goals will attend an end-of-year field trip, and the Top 5 readers in each grade level will receive a $20 gift card and trophy.

In addition to engaging kids to read library books, we would like to be a part of BooksForMe, a highly engaging program designed to bring 2 free books per student to read at home.  The BooksForMe program, through Bookspring, also provides book-engagement event kits to get students excited about reading. Students can travel in the BookSpring "airplane,"  get served a snack and pick up their new book at the "book claim carousel." 

Our hope is to flood students with books, excitement, and accountability in order to bolster their independent reading time and words read.  Studies show that kids who read more frequently at home increase vocabulary and comprehension far and above those who don't. Please help Govalle develop Robust Roadrunner Readers this year and beyond!

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Stacey Smith
Elementary, My Dear Reader!
2772 days ago
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