Schaumburg Sizzlers Competitive Dance

Help support the Schaumburg High School Competitive Dance program by donating to support parts of our program like costumes, shoes, warm ups, and choreography!

$378.00 donated
$3,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 20, 2019 Campaign ended on December 20, 2019

The Sizzlers need your support!

The money raised from this fundraiser will go directly to help support the Competitive Dance program. We hope that you will be able to help us out this year. Our success is possible because of the generous support of family and friends!

Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to spread the word and help us reach our goal.

Thank you again for your continued support!

Natalie Ng $170.00
Rylee Larsen $108.00
Jessica Song $50.00
Emma Trigsted $50.00 #4
Created By
{{ userRole }}
$18346.5 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (41)
steven westlake

Good to your team

Barbara Trigsted

Go SiZZlers!!

Tanya Song
Mike Arnold
Monica Anderson
kenneth ng
Amanda Nowag
Jim and Marilyn Larsen
Meejung Park
Ruth Morenz

Wishing the SHS Sizzlers "Good Luck" at competition!

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