Send AHS Debate to Stanford

These hardworking students have been hopeful to compete at the distinguished Stanford debate tournament February 9-11, 2019. But it's expensive! Please consider donating to help with our airfare, hotel and meals. Anything helps!  

$50.00 donated
$3,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on January 18, 2019 Campaign ended on January 18, 2019

Thank you for your interest in supporting the Austin High School Debate Team as we prepare for the Stanford Univeristy competition! The tournament is an unforgettable opportunity for our students, many of whom would be unable to participate without the support of our community, family and friends' generosity. 

We sincerely thank you for your part in helping send our team to Stanford.

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Courtenay Paris
2196 days ago
Yao Yao Chen

Good luck, y'all!

2197 days ago
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