This is our Speech and Debate Team's second year competing with the National Speech and Debate Association, and last year we went to Nationals! This year, we are planning on going again, but there is much to be done before we get there!
First, we are hosting our own tournament: the first to be hosted in Union County! Schools from North and South Carolina will be represented at our school, and we are excited to have them. Second, we need to get a jump on Nationals. This year, there will be two opportunities for students to compete on a grander stage: in both Des Moines and Chicago.
It is only through the help and support of our community that we can achieve our goals!
On to Success! Go Kaitlyn!
Good luck!
Go coach Nate!
Goid luck and enjoy every minute!
Good Luck Nicholas and Cavaliers
Good luck
Go Coach Nate!
Good luck Coach Nate!
Good Luck - all the best from A Big Heart Foundation, Inc.