Palatine High School Boys Lacrosse, family, friends, community members and fans - Thank you so much for taking the time to view our fundraiser page. Your support will help us offer the best possible experience for all participants. Raising dollars for extra curricular activities is very difficult to do but is vital for our program. If you could please spread the word about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends via Email, Facebook and Twitter we would greatly appreciate it! GO PIRATES!
Campaign ends on March 07, 2020Campaign ended on March 07, 2020
Why are donations necessary?
Your support ensures our student-athletes have the best possible experience as they play lacrosse, which is also know as the "fastest game on two feet!"
How are my donations used?
Your donations support Palatine Boys Lacrosse for important items such as team meals, team gear, program activities and our end of the year banquet!
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