Inspiring STEM learning in our own backyard:
The STEM-X event on April 14, 2016 and the USA Science and Engineering Festival on April 15, 2016 offers an opportunity for 50 Kenmore 7thgrade students to experience a customizable, innovative, and engaging science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) experience.
The Festival brings together the “who-is-who” of science and engineering in the United States, from major academic centers and leading research institutes and government agencies to cutting-edge tech companies, museums, and community organizations. STEM-X is a smaller, more intimate event featuring interactive presentations by an exclusive group of visionaries who aim to empower and inspire kids about careers in STEM.
Asking parents to support these costs is not an option, as more than half of the students at Kenmore quality for Federal Free and Reduced Meals.
Your support will help provide:
- An empowering and inspiring experience for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
- Participation in an engaging event, resulting in a greater sense of belonging, better educational performance, and goal achievement expectation
- Inspiration from seeing how professionals are applying what they learned at school into real careers
Your donation will help fund:
- Transportation costs to the Science and Engineering Festival for 20 students who would not be able to travel to the Festival
- Transportation costs to STEM-X for 10 students and 2 chaperones
Who we are:
Kenmore Middle School in Arlington Virginia, teaches the curriculum through arts and communications technology. Kenmore is proud to be entering its 18th year with an arts focused program that includes a longstanding partnership with the Kennedy Center. Dance is a core part of the Kenmore experience for many students and offers and option for those students that are not involved in other sports to be part of a team working towards a goal. Kenmore is an extraordinarily diverse school with no race in the majority.