Support the SEL Symposium
Austin Independent School District hosts an annual Social and Emotional Learning Symposium for nearly 3000 local educators, administrators, community partners and familes. Our SEL Symposium is a collective experience bringing the community together to share creativity, knowledge, and promising practices around equitable social and emotional learning. 
All contributions made to this effort will go to directly to providing these invaluable social and emotional learning opportunities.
$235.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on June 30, 2021 Campaign ended on June 30, 2021

 Austin Independent School District is will be hosting our 7th annual Social and Emotional Learning Symposium for up to 3000 local educators, administrators, caregivers, and community members on June 17, 2021. 

Our SEL Symposium is a collective experience bringing educators together to share their creativity, knowledge, experience and most promising practices around equitable social and emotional learning. The theme for our 2021 Virtual SEL Symposium is "Stories Have Power: Connect. Transform.

The social and emotional learning department is dedicated to creating safe, inclusive, culturally responsive, academically engaging and equitable learning environments. Because our work is primarily grant funded, we welcome financial support to assist us in serving our staff and students in their pursuit of social and emotional growth and campus-based goals. 

All contributions made to this effort will go to directly support educators and leaders as we continue to provide these invaluable social and emotional learning opportunities, additional resources, etc.
All proceeds will be designated for the Austin Ed Fund, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports excellence and innovation in the Austin ISD.
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Caroline Chase

So happy to contribute to future iterations of the SEL Symposium!

1319 days ago
Snow White

More than ever, SEL will be an important aspect in all our campuses next year to make sure our students and teachers are regulated enough to recover and support any learning losses that might have occurred these past 18 months

1320 days ago
Sherrie Raven
1324 days ago

The SEL symposium is my favorite part of every school year. Thank you for continuing to support schools, teachers like me and our students in pursuit of equity and cultural proficiency, and better social and emotional health for all of us.

1336 days ago

Our SEL Dept. works hard to support teachers like me and the students we serve, THANKS for everything ya'll do for us every day!

1345 days ago
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