Uplift Wisdom Primary Field Trips
$55.00 donated
$20,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 15, 2024 Campaign ended on May 15, 2024
Field Trips give scholars the opportunity to discover and learn visually, allowing them to touch, feel and listen to what they are learning about. Field trips also help them to build on what they have learned in class, build cultural knowledge and exposes scholars to the world outside of the four walls of their classroom.
Giving our scholars the opportunity as early as Pre-K to go on field trips helps to develop their lifelong love of learning and discovery. We want to provide our scholars Pre-K-5th grade with these experiences but we need your help!
On average, one bus that seats about 30-40 students costs between $1,200-$1,400 to transport our scholars from our campus to their field trip site. We would need 2-3 buses per grade level for transportation.
There is no donation that is too small, and we appreciate you for donating towards this cause that will shape our scholars' educational journey for years to come.
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No. of Campaigns (1)
Alejandra Moreno (on behalf of Alvaro 4)

On behalf of The Bautista Family.

335 days ago
Alejandra Moreno (on behalf of Axel 2)

On behalf of The Bautista Family.

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Donna Brooks (on behalf of Melody & Kadenz Sanders 3C/4A)

Donna Brooks On behalf of Melody Sanders(3C) Kadenz Sanders (4A)

339 days ago
345 days ago
Shandra Lanell (on behalf of Mykhael 1)
353 days ago
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