This product provides constant monitoring of heat stress in athletes, outdoor enthusiasts, elderly individuals, and the general public who are exposed to heat and heat stress. This product works as a hat or a headband or an earpiece depending on the user's preference.

$500.00 donated
$2,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on December 31, 2019 Campaign ended on December 31, 2019

The campaign goal is to collect $2000 for prototyping help for this high school student project that has wide implications and uses in the society. With signs of Global warming everywhere, we need to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. This money will be used to create a minimal viable product by 9th and 10th graders on ACP-Erie High School and with this prototype, the parents, coaches, and all users will be constantly able to monitor their core body temperature, pulse rate and acceleration. 

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Sounds like valuable research.

1898 days ago
Ambarish Majumdar
1932 days ago

Looks like an interesting project. Good going .Keep it up.

1944 days ago
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