WBES Student/Teacher Support
$10.00 donated
$5,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on March 31, 2023 Campaign ended on March 31, 2023

The regular school budget doesn't cover all the needs of the faculty and staff as they strive to provide our kids with the best educational experiences possible. We would like to help fill that gap with this annual fundraiser. You can help bring smiles to the faces of many during this season of giving by making a donation today. The smallest gift can mean the world to a student or teacher. We hope you will share the joy this holiday season and open your hearts.

Donations would go to:

- -Rewards for students successes

-Teacher appreciation items

-Swag for staff

-PBIS store


Now, make your donation go even further! Ask family and friends to donate, too. Use social media, phone calls - get creative!



Please share via email, Facebook and Twitter to spread the word and help us reach our goal.

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