What’s in the Trunk? An Elephant Ivory Expedition
$716.74 donated
$1,575.00 goal
Campaign ends on November 15, 2024 Campaign ended on November 15, 2024

Grade:11 - 12

Teacher Name: Bianca Benitez

Description and purpose of grant: This lab investigation will give our learners the opportunity to use what they've learned about genetics, ecology, and biotechnogy so they can become wildlife crime scene investigators for a class period.  As described by the supplier's website, "The majestic elephants are a keystone species in the African ecosystem, but are targeted for their prized ivory by humans resulting in severe population decline. Poaching is illegal, but the ivory black market is so lucrative that poachers see it as a risk worth taking. Explore how genetics can be used in modern conservation efforts! In this lab students take on the role of a Wildlife Crime Scene Investigator. A cache of elephant tusks has been confiscated and it is their job to identify the elephant population that they came from using electrophoresis and using an elephant database to look up the DNA profiles. By pooling classroom data students can identify where the hotspot(s) of poaching are happening." (Image from website)

Implementation process: This will be implemented towards the end of the year after we learn and explore the related content.  With over 250 AP Bio students, we'll learn lots together.     

Items you plan to purchase with grant money With the money that we receive, we'll be able to purchase the lab products related to this particular investigation to include nine (9) lab kits that will supply all 10 classes of our AP Biology students.  We'll need $1,500.00  

In the event my grant is not fully funded, this is minimum amount I would need to get started on this project: $750.00



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Athul and Anagh Chuzhiyil
Manisha Kapadia
Ruchi Srivastava
Srikanth Ravi

Aryahi Ravi

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