Wildcat Workforce Students in the Greenhouse Operations courses have been working hard all year to curate and cultivate a plant sale worth your hard earned dollars. We have lots of awesome plants for sale including: Basil, Mint, Sunflowers, Coleus, Celosia, Pampas Grass, Hanging Baskets, Geraniums, Cactus, and Succulents.
The Plant Sale will be from Tuesday April 18th to Thursday April 20th or until sold out. Our Greenhouse will be open to visitors from 3pm to 5:30pm.
This store is merely a convenience for customers who would like to pay for their selections online as all product must be picked out and selected by the customers with help from Greenhouse Students and Staff.
Sales will be in Cash and through Living Tree.
If visiting the campus before 3:20pm please be mindful of the school busses when navigating to the Greenhouse.
Please Contact Instructor Kristi Branton with any questions. kristi.branton@tisd.org