1st Grade Field Trip: Tanaka Farms (10.29.24)
$3,668.70 donated
$3,543.00 goal
Campaign ends on October 31, 2024 Campaign ended on October 31, 2024

Our 1st grade students will be visiting Tanaka Farms on October 29th. The suggested donation to cover the cost of admission and transportation is $34/student.

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$16203.96 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (31)
Jennifer Walsh (on behalf of Makenzie Walsh)
49 days ago
shuting liu (on behalf of Irvine Xiao)
49 days ago
Hadi Motamedian (on behalf of Sadra Motamedian)


50 days ago
MARIE K (on behalf of Olivia Morales)
50 days ago
Yekta Dowlati (on behalf of Ariana Khaleghi-rad)
50 days ago
Josephine Do (on behalf of Adeline Do)
50 days ago
Mahsa G (on behalf of Brianna & Brian Khalili )
50 days ago
Zahra Hosseininasab (on behalf of Sadra Motamedian )


50 days ago
50 days ago
Sasha Esstalkhou (on behalf of Celine Esstalkhou)

Tanaka Field Trip

50 days ago
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