2017-2018 Help Keep Student Meal Accounts Current

Give today to support Austin ISD Nutrition & Food Services

Austin ISD Nutrition & Food Services are committed to providing healthy food access for all students. Our charging and courtesy meal policies are in place to ensure no student goes without a balanced meal, regardless of their account balance or payment status. This initiative allows members of the community to contribute funds to help cover the negative balance of student meal accounts.

$9,025.00 donated
$10,000.00 goal
Campaign ends on May 31, 2018 Campaign ended on May 31, 2018
Our Goal
Austin ISD Nutrition & Food Services are committed to providing nutritious, appetizing meals that promote health, well-being and learning. Equity and food access are important district values, and being able to bring fresh, healthy and sustainably raised food to students all over the city is our focus. 
How You Can Help
Austin ISD cafés serve over 80,000 meals per day. Around 700 courtesy meals that meet the same nutrition requirements as menued meals are served each day, which equates to a cost of over $350,000 each year that is covered by the District Food Service Department. This campaign allows individuals to contribute funds to help bring student meal accounts current.  
How the Process Works
If students exhaust their meal account, there is a grace period during which the student can charge meals to his or her account. Elementary and middle school students may charge up to three meals and high school students may charge up to two meals. In the event a student reaches the maximum charge limit on his or her meal account, at the beginning of the lunch line the student will be provided a courtesy meal that meets the same nutrition requirements as all other meals offered. If a student has already selected a remibursable meal by the time he or she reaches the cashier, food service personnel allows the student to keep the tray. 
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$20587.83 raised across all campaigns
No. of Campaigns (264)

No one should be hungry.

2588 days ago
2592 days ago
Ashley McElyea

All children should be treated equally; they should have the same options the child next to them has.

2594 days ago
Kasia Roe
2594 days ago
Ann Greenberg
2595 days ago

Bless this fundraiser

2595 days ago
Kimberly Santistevan

Kids should not have to worry when their next time will be to eat food. Every kid has the right to be able to eat.

2595 days ago
2595 days ago
2595 days ago
2595 days ago
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